After Sunshine State Spring Break, Do Illinois Republicans Agree With Far-Right Wing Florida Republicans? 

Did Illinois Republicans Bring Extremist Policies of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis Back to Illinois?




Earlier this month, Illinois Republicans went on spring break, hitting the beach in Florida for a big-money fundraiser. While they were there, the ILGOP got an up-close-and-personal look at the radical policy ideas of two national Republican stars, Florida Sen. Rick Scott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Sen. Rick Scott is proposing a sweeping national tax hike that would raise taxes on 32.9% of Illinoisans.

Gov. Ron DeSantis just signed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill that inserts his own extremist personal politics into elementary school classrooms.

Now that the ILGOP has returned to the Land of Lincoln, Illinois voters deserve to know if Republicans brought Florida’s extreme ideas home with them.

Do top Illinois Republican candidates or the ILGOP support Rick Scott’s tax plan or Ron DeSantis’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill?

And did failed former Gov. Bruce


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