Just Like Ken Griffin, GOP Slate Can’t Seem To Tell The Truth

From the top of the slate down, every candidate has shown they’re willing to say whatever it takes to get elected



After two months of hiding from the public, the Ken Griffin-funded Rauner Reboot slate emerged again this week to dodge tough questions and repeat outright lies in a short press conference. Led by Richard Irvin’s long-winded diatribes and evasive non-answers, the Griffin slate has resorted to spouting claims that are easily proven as false instead of answering simple questions. Just like Griffin, Irvin and the slate simply refuse to answer the basic questions they don’t like, instead resorting to pivots, dodges, and filibusters to keep the questions at bay. 

Try as they might, the Rauner Reboot slate cannot avoid answering questions forever. From who they voted for in past elections to dubious claims about their record, Illinois voters deserve the truth from Griffin and his slate about their real plans for Illinois.


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