Trump’s Earth Day: Climate Denial, Handouts to Big Oil and Gas

President Biden passed historic climate action that’s lowering costs and created over 114k new clean energy jobs



Gwen Pepin
[email protected]

Chicago, IL —  In recognition of Earth Day, Democratic Party of Illinois Chair Lisa Hernandez released the following statement:

“Illinois is the home of the environmental justice movement. For decades, local communities and electeds have fought to clean up and protect every neighborhoods’ land, air and water. If elected again, Trump has promised to do the bidding of wealthy oil executives starting ‘day one,’ which can threaten vital environmental protections that safeguard our air and water for generations to come, not to mention, hurt jobs and wages. President Biden has done just the opposite, championing Illinois families by passing the most consequential climate bill in history, bringing down energy costs and creating jobs that put dinner on the table for hundreds of thousands of families, and he’s just getting started. Illinoisans deserve more than another climate denier in chief, and we will not let Trump disrupt our state’s legacy of pushing for a cleaner future.”

As president, Donald Trump rolled back climate progress, wrecked clean energy jobs, and raised costs. If elected, he could do it again.

  • Instead of listening to voters who overwhelmingly want environmental protections, Trump gave billions in handouts to the same Big Oil corporations that hiked prices and jeopardized Americans’ health.
  • Trump staffed his Cabinet with climate deniers and lobbyists who were friendly with the oil and gas industry.
  • Trump rolled back nearly 100 critical environmental rules governing clean air, water, wildlife, and toxic chemicals.
  • Trump ripped away clean energy jobs by cutting investments in clean energy, undermining progress to slow climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. 
  • Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement, turning his back on international allies and American voters alike. 
  • Trump repeatedly called climate change a “hoax.”
  • Trump is pushing an agenda that includes extreme tax breaks for oil, gas and coal producers.
  • Trump is relying on oil and gas executives to fund his campaign as he advocates for industry-friendly policies starting “day one.”


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