Let DPI Remind You: Trump Would Be a Disaster For Our Economy

ILGOP, is this rambling nonsense really what you stand behind?




Gwen Pepin
[email protected]

Chicago, IL — Despite his constant disparaging of one of the greatest cities in the world, today Donald Trump made his way back to Chicago anyway for an interview co-hosted by Bloomberg News and The Economic Club of Chicago. The former president, famous filer of bankruptcy and failed businessman, took the stage to explain his economic vision for our country. Instead, he returned to his racist “China virus” and immigration remarks, denied the violence of January 6th, insulted both the interviewer’s and Vice President Harris’ intelligence, rambled about the dictators he aspires to emulate, and focused on an obsession with tariffs, which the interviewer attempted multiple times to debunk as bad policy. As usual, the Illinois GOP said nothing while their Party leader did what he does best: divide and lie. The Democratic Party of Illinois released the following statement:

“On top of Trump leaving office with the worst jobs record since the Great Depression and giving massive handouts to billionaires and big corporations, if elected, his policies will drive up costs, interest rates, and the deficit, while hurting manufacturing jobs. It’s clear as day: Donald Trump is bad for business and bad for working families.

“Yet, you won’t hear a word of protest from the ILGOP despite experts warning that Trump’s economic plans would cost America over 3 million jobs, explode the national debt as much as $15 trillion over a decade, send inflation skyrocketing, and cost as much as $10.5 trillion over a decade—hurting everyone but the richest Americans.

“What Illinois—and this country needs—is a President for all people. Someone who understands working families and will take a pragmatic approach to lowering costs of everyday needs like housing and groceries. And it doesn’t hurt that Vice President Harris has never said a bad word about Chicago.”

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