Fighting Disinformation
This is a training deck that includes an overview of how disinformation is spread, and what tools Democrats can use to combat it.
This is a training deck that includes an overview of how disinformation is spread, and what tools Democrats can use to combat it.
This document provides additional details and examples for crafting an engaging press release. It explains how you can catch a readers attention and helpful information that will make your release more useful to reporters.
This is a press release template that campaign staff or candidates can use to draft a release to send to media. It includes an outline of the format as well as general tips for writing to help your release be picked up by reporters.
This document provides general advice for campaigns to use when writing to the media. The goal is to provide guidance that will help your candidate gain positive media coverage in local media.
Example email template for confirming a canvasser for their upcoming shift
This document provides the basics for phonebankers on how to make calls using OpenVPB.
This document provides the basics for canvassers on how to canvass door-to-door.
This document is a generic confirmation script to reduce “no show” volunteers and increase volunteer capacity.
This document is a generic phonebanking script for making calls to voters.